Unlocking the Potential of One More Sale with Traq.ai

In the fast-paced and competitive world of sales, the impact of closing just one more deal can be far-reaching. Not only does it contribute to the bottom line, but it also serves as a powerful motivator for sales professionals, validating their efforts and inspiring...

Mastering the Art of Moving Deals Forward

Explore the effectiveness of guiding buyers in the sales process, emphasizing the use of conversation intelligence platforms.

Podcast: Discover How AI is Revolutionizing Sales Conversations

If you're interested in learning how AI is transforming sales conversations, you should check out the latest episode of the CaveMinds podcast. In this episode, Adam Rubenstein, co-founder of Traq.ai, shares his experience in solving the long-standing problem of a lack...

Mastering the Art of Guiding Buyers Along the Sales Journey

In the fast-paced world of sales, there is one challenge that consistently perplexes sales teams: how to effectively move deals forward. Picture this scenario: a salesperson engages in a productive conversation with potential buyers, receiving all the positive signals...

From Talk to Action: How the Traq.ai Mobile App Transforms In-Person Meetings and Trade Shows

In the dynamic business landscape of the 21st century, sales teams constantly seek ways to outpace their competitors and clinch deals. In-person meetings and trade shows, both tried-and-true sales tactics, continue to hold sway in this digital age due to their power...
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Call Recording

Record everything your buyer wants and needs to build trust and maximize wins.

Conversation Intelligence

Get the knowledge you need to improve productivity, effectiveness, and win rates.

AI Note-Taking

Eliminate manual notes, build trust with customers and prospects, and increase wins.

Pipeline Visibility

Know which deals are likely to close (and when) to build fact-based revenue projections.

Sales Enablement

Use the voice of your customers to hone your go-to-market strategies.

Traq.ai mobile app/ The In-person meeting AI assistant

Trade Show and In-person Meeting

The essential app for capturing and optimizing your in-person meetings.

Sales Leaders

Ultimate clarity for every deal.

Sales Reps

Simplify the sale. Win more deals.


Optimize sales and revenue.

B2B Insurance

Empower your insurance business

Insurance Claims

Streamline claims processing


Better listening. Better results.


Building a High-Performance Sales Team with Sales Conversation Intelligence

The Power of Customized Conversation Intelligence ebook