The Sales Conversation is the Single Source of all Truth

by Blogs, Sales Enablement, Sales Management

Everything in the conversation isn’t important – but everything important is in the conversation. Salespeople have conversations to better understand the prospect and figure out how to move the sale forward. The result of these conversations is data, lots of it.

Conversation data includes your prospect’s priorities and goals, as well as their pain points and concerns. Oftentimes, the sales conversation provides subtle insights on things that the decision-makers worry about — like their job, their influence, or their status. This helps you note any hidden costs or risk factors, so you can design a solution around their needs. Once you learn what each person cares about, you can address that in your proposal and include a price that the prospect will find attractive.

Conversation data is useful to identify the prospect’s timeframe and whether they have the budget to get the job done. Are they considering kicking the can down the road, or thinking of solving the problem in-house? Additionally, you may glean valuable competitor insights if your prospects mention other firms they are talking to, or even provide details on competing offers.

The sales conversation is the Single Source of all Truth because it includes all the information available, directly from the decision-makers. When you capture the conversation — both the audio and transcription — you can refer to it anytime. It’s like having a time machine that allows you to re-listen, re-learn, and re-evaluate the status of the sale.

Oftentimes, the sales conversation provides subtle insights on things that the decision-makers worry about — like their job, their influence, or their status. This helps you note any hidden costs or risk factors, so you can design a solution around their needs.

It’s easy to harness the power of conversation data. First, capture enough calls so you have adequate information to work with. Then, analyze the calls to identify the patterns that drive success or failure. Dive deep into the factors that influence specific deals, industries, or individual salespeople. Data-driven sales processes are the way of the future. Are you ready to begin?

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Building a High-Performance Sales Team with Sales Conversation Intelligence

The Power of Customized Conversation Intelligence ebook