Provides What Gong Doesn’t

Save hours every week & close more prospects

Feature Comparison

Gong makes you look for the needle in the haystack. shows everything you need to know about an opportunity, right at your fingertips.

Feature Comparison

Call Recording
Call Transcription
CRM & Conferencing Integrations
Meeting Summarization
Conversation Analytics
Ask Ava (AI) Queries
Identify Buyer Insights
Automated Communication
Self-guided Coaching
Customizable Business Intelligence

Annual Price

Gong Alternative
  • 
  • 
  • 
  • 
  • 
  • 
  • 
  • 
  • 
  • 

$0 Platform Fee
$360-720 per user
No contract

Gong Alternative
  • 
  • 
  • 
  • M
  • M
  • M
  • M
  • M
  • M
  • M

$5,000 base
$1,200+ per user
Annual contract

Feature Comparison

Gong makes you look for the needle in the haystack. shows everything you need to know about an opportunity, right at your fingertips.

Feature Comparison

Gong Alternative
  •  Call Recording
  •  Call Transcription
  •  CRM & Conferencing Integrations
  •  Meeting Summarization
  •  Conversation Analytics
  • Ask Ava (AI) Queries
  •  Identify Buyer Insights
  • Automated Communication
  • Self-guided Coaching
  • Customizable Business Intelligence

Annual Price

$0 Platform Fee
$360-720 per user

No contract

Gong Alternative
  •  Call Recording
  •  Call Transcription
  •  CRM & Conferencing Integrations
  • M Meeting Summarization
  • M Conversation Analytics
  • MAsk Ava (AI) Queries
  • M Identify Buyer Insights
  • MAutomated Communication
  • MSelf-guided Coaching
  • MCustomizable Business Intelligence

Annual Price

$5,000 base
+$1,200 per user

Annual contract

Save Hours of Work. Every Salesperson. Every Week.

Let do the administrative heavy lifting so you can focus on converting prospects into happy clients.

Call Recording & Transcription
Automatically record, transcribe, take notes during each sales call

Call Summaries, Action Items & Next Steps
Receive the transcription, notes, and recommended action items instantly

CRM & Calendar Integration
Automatically attach call recordings and summaries to prospect records in your CRM

Gong Alternative

Improve Sales Team Performance at Scale

Track, forecast, and improve your sales like never before.

Gong Alternative

Make Fact-based Decisions
Monitor sentiment analysis, follow-up cadence, objections across all prospects.

Gain Fresh Insights into Team Effectiveness
Are they talking more than they’re listening? Asking open-ended questions? Following-up?

A robust coaching library and self-guided coaching resources provide a path to improvement.

Close More Prospects. Lose Fewer Deals.

Empower your sales team to follow-up with every single prospect.

Scan Every Conversation
Monitor sales conversations for red flags based on important words and phrases.

Take Timely Action
Action items are automatically identified and follow-up emails are automatically drafted.

Identify Points of Failure
When deals fall through, get insight into why it happened so you can prevent it in the future.

Gong Alternative


  • NCall recording & transcription
  • NCalendar & CRM integration
  • N5+ hours saved per salesperson per week
  • NCustomized coaching resources
  • NConversation intelligence & insights
  • NUnlimited 'Ask Ava' queries

Total value:$2,000/month

Price: only $60 per user

After 2 very successful days meeting vendors at the largest DoD convention, being able to record our conversations, collect transcriptions, take photos, and organize it all was amazing!  It was all so easy. is a game changer.Thank you.


No Risk Guarantee


100% Free 14-day Trial

Frequently Asked Questions

Will be have to make changes to our current sales process?

No changes to your process are required, however Traq may uncover insights that will make you WANT to modify your sales processes for the better.

How much will it cost? costs less per month than your average sales guy spends at lunch and could save him up to 5 hours a week, freeing him up to make more sales calls and close more deals.

Does it work for companies using Hubspot or Salesforce?

Yes, in fact can automatically sync call data right into your CRM and associate it with each client so everyone at your company will have a log of past calls.

Why should we trust you? has been providing AI-enhanced sales enablement services since 2021, before AI was part of everyday conversation. Since that time, we’ve served XXX clients and helped them close millions in sales.

Is there a long-term contract?

No, there are no long-term contracts with

Call Recording

Record everything your buyer wants and needs to build trust and maximize wins.

Conversation Intelligence

Get the knowledge you need to improve productivity, effectiveness, and win rates.

AI Note-Taking

Eliminate manual notes, build trust with customers and prospects, and increase wins.

Pipeline Visibility

Know which deals are likely to close (and when) to build fact-based revenue projections.

Sales Enablement

Use the voice of your customers to hone your go-to-market strategies. mobile app/ The In-person meeting AI assistant

Trade Show and In-person Meeting

The essential app for capturing and optimizing your in-person meetings.

Sales Leaders

Ultimate clarity for every deal.

Sales Reps

Simplify the sale. Win more deals.


Optimize sales and revenue.

B2B Insurance

Empower your insurance business

Insurance Claims

Streamline claims processing


Better listening. Better results.


Building a High-Performance Sales Team with Sales Conversation Intelligence

The Power of Customized Conversation Intelligence ebook