Direct Connection

Improve Sales & Account Management and Delight Your Customers

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Company Brief

Direct Connection is an advertising and marketing firm that focuses on the property and casualty insurance industry. They represent insurance wholesalers, carriers, and some insured tech entities. Before working with TRAQ, Direct Connection had challenges in improving their team’s performance in both sales and account management. They relied on manual note-taking during calls, which often resulted in incomplete or unclear information. They attempted to have an associate take notes during calls, but the notes were not always accurate or aligned with their sales objectives. This approach was also costly and did not provide the desired results.

With the integration of TRAQ, Direct Connection has seen significant improvements in their sales and account management processes. They now use TRAQ on every customer call, allowing account managers and their associates to review calls in-depth or quickly scan notes and summaries for missed information. This has given them more confidence during client interactions and improved their overall efficiency. It has also enabled them to eliminate the need for an assistant to take notes during calls, freeing up their time for other tasks.

Direct Connection has found value in using TRAQ for internal meetings as well, particularly with the integration of Zoom. They appreciate the support and continuous enhancements provided by the TRAQ team. The AI component of TRAQ has the potential to be deployed in claims departments to identify potential fraud and improve the overall claims process.

Direct Connection recommends others interested in TRAQ to take advantage of the 14-day free trial. They emphasize the benefits of having access to accurate and comprehensive call data, which has made a positive impact on their business. Direct Connection can be reached through their website,, or by contacting Brad Evans directly.

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Direct Connections is an advertising and marketing firm that specializes in the property and casualty insurance industry.

They primarily represent insurance wholesalers, carriers, and insured tech entities. Their expertise lies in the property casualty space, specifically access and surplus lines.

The company has been in the insurance industry for over 40 years, with a focus on sales development and bringing in new business.